The glyph on the rune will turn white and you'll get a message saying it was successful. The easiest way to do this is to shoot said Elemental with a spell, or other ranged weapon for easier kiting and then try and use the stone. In order to tame Elementals, you must first damage them so they are close to dying and then, by using the stone, “save” them on said stone. (Light, Ice, Fire, Earth, etc) To use the stone, have it equipped and just left click with it, some say to hold, but clicking it once did the trick for me. The Stones are used for the bigger Elementals that you encounter around the map. The Lesser Stones are used to tame the Fire and Ice Imps, and they can be found at the Volcano or Ice Mountain. The “ Small Supress Stone” and the “ Soul Supress stone”. There are two types of stones used to tame Elementals: Then put THAT stone in the pool with probably even more resources than previously required, and revive him again.

If you notice a creature has for example 350/0 health, then you will need to make a medium stone (the blue one) put that stone in your hotbar to save his soul, and then kill him. Then you hit the “Revive” button located inside the pool. For instance: a level 76 stone elemental might take 1350 stone, and 1350 magic shards to tame. Then, you need to place the stone inside the summoning pool with the amount of resources stated on the stone. The higher the level, the more resources it will take to tame. If you mouse over the stone, in your inventory, it will tell you items needed to revive the creature. The trick is attacking the elemental withing half a bar of health, then hitting it with your stone, until you get a “Soul has been Surpressed” in green on the top of your screen. When you see an elemental you need to have a large Soul Supress Stone in your hotbar. Players can extract elemental magic from the fallen creatures to collect their “shards”, which can be combined at special temples to summon a tamed version of that creature completely under the players control. So a creature that has weighted stats instead of evenly placed stats before taming could be potentially worse then a lower level creature with evenly placed stats. So you can theoretically tame a creature that has all stat points in HP, giving it a ridiculous amount of HP compared to a tame that has their stats spread more evenly. The game randomly allocates a creature's stat points, but you can find ones that have “weighted” stats. Also note that not all creature tames are created equal. That significantly increases the base amount of the stats, so when you add levels you can get a LOT more per point. So the higher level the tame, the more 'wild' and then 'bonus' levels the tame can spend. It's important to note that creature stats per leveling are a % base increase. Also, make sure not to punch, slice, or shoot magic at a taming creature, and use the fewest Hook arrows possible to keep it's constitution up. Items like the Rare Stone Hammer, which drops off Goblins and Goblin Elites, reduces their wildness substantially, so never use that for a good tame. ( Example: Wild Unicorn at level 110 fed with feed could tame out to 150 with a max level cap of 200.) 50 levels the tamed creature can go up with experience with a max (official) level of 200-215. Once you tame a creature there are approx. Protips: A maximum wild (official) creature is level 120, with proper feed to max out the creatures wildness (mechanic used to gain bonus levels) it can gain up to 45-50 bonus levels added to the base level of your targeted creature.

For instance, when taming a Boar keep in mind that they have moderate base movement speed and can move and attack in short bursts with their charge attack. When you find your target animal for taking, consider the area you are in and the way the beast moves. When getting ready to tame you should first consider what type of beast you are aiming for, as there are restrictions to what can be tamed with Stone Hook Arrow versus Iron Hook Arrows.